Women’s Health

Women’s health problems are centred around a women’s hormonal system. Improving your nutrition and lifestyle can help manage the symptoms of many different women’s health issues such as:

The aetiology of these health problems are often multi layered and complicated, however there are some common underlying causes to all of them beyond hormonal imbalances. This includes stress, poor nutrition and lack of nutrients, environmental oestrogens and poor detoxification.

Prior to your assessment we will send you health questionnaires to fill in, please be honest and thoroughly complete these forms and bring them to the initial assessment.


During your Initial Assessment we will measure your BMI, body fat percentage, waist to hip ratio, blood pressure and blood glucose levels (please also bring with you any other appropriate test results you have such as thyroid function tests).

With this information we can prioritise and implement your nutritional therapy intervention programme. Your plan will be tailored to your lifestyle, it will fit in with your busy schedule and include how you can implement this programme whilst travelling, eating out or incorporating it into your family life.

London nutritionist Steve Hines

A well structured diet plan can often improve many of the symptoms you experience. You can expect to see changes in how you look and feel within a couple of weeks of implementing your new nutrition and lifestyle plan. To maximise your results it is recommended that we see you three or four times over the period of two to three months after which we are confident you will be extremely happy with how you look and feel.

Appointments are limited so call 0203 322 9455 or book online to secure your nutritional therapy assessment session.

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